Tag Archives: making changes

This Year Focus on what to ADD not RESTRICT

This Year Focus on what to ADD not RESTRICT

Focus on foods to ADD and enjoy alongside traditional favorites: In-season fruits like pomegranate, clementines, apples and pears Frozen fruits, like berries and sweet cherries, slightly warmed, and drizzled with cream  High-fiber flax crackers, bean dips and hummus, popcorn, and roasted chickpeas Big batches of veggie soups for quick meals or sides Here's the remarkable [...]

Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants (sounds like) Do This. Shouldn’t Need Help. Mostly Easy.

How Pollan's famous first line creates tension within the most earnest (and health informed) individuals trying to lose weight (and those trying to support them). Still Quoted, Still an Influence This post is not to critic or review the 2008 best-selling book "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. I respect the awareness this book [...]
Trying to make healthy lifestyle changes? You’ll need a fun goal!

Trying to make healthy lifestyle changes? You’ll need a fun goal!

“Fun goal” – huh? Everyday I get to ask people who are trying to make healthy change ‘Why do you want to be healthy?’. The common response is to ‘feel better’. Okay, we’re getting closer. But why do you want to feel better? What would you do when you feel better or have more energy? And I mean really do, contribute, or create (hopefully the goal is beyond having more energy at night just to clean the house; although, that does need to get done).