Tag Archives: physiological static

Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants (sounds like) Do This. Shouldn’t Need Help. Mostly Easy.

How Pollan's famous first line creates tension within the most earnest (and health informed) individuals trying to lose weight (and those trying to support them). Still Quoted, Still an Influence This post is not to critic or review the 2008 best-selling book "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. I respect the awareness this book [...]
Quality of Life: Do lifestyle choices matter?

Quality of Life: Do lifestyle choices matter?

I adore the human body/spirit and its potential. It has intelligence beyond what I will ever comprehend. The human body/spirit has the potential to manifest creativity and beauty that can take our breath away and make us speechless. It also has the potential to manifest trust, serenity, and an ‘everything really is OK’ assurance, no matter how seemingly insignificant what we are doing feels. This awareness nurtures the huge desire I have to allow this intelligence to work through me to uncover my own individual creative potential. I know lifestyle choice alone don’t control this intelligence and my ability to hear it in its entirety, but I do know with complete certainty that I mute it, silence it, when I make indulgent choices.